Primary Research

On the 22nd of March as a class we went to The Manchester Museum to conduct some primary research by taking pictures of animals, weapons and textures. I used the trip yesterday to get a lot of sample textures of wolf fur to help with my project as there are werewolf’s in my project.  Also I took my time to sketch some of the wolf in person as it prove a lot more useful and a image off the internet.

In the slideshow below you will see a few images of the wolves and the textures I took from the museum, I took these specific images because of the angles that the wolves are positioned in and it will help me with my concept art and 3D models.

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Final Major Project – Research

A werewolf or lycanthrope is a mythological or folkloric human with the ability to shape shift into a wolf or a hybrid wolf-like creature, either purposely or after being placed under a curse or affliction. There are many variations of a werewolf for example there are many werewolves that can only turn during a full moon where as others can turn at their own will it is also said that werewolves or lycanthropes can only be killed with a silver bullet or sword which would prove difficult to kill.

Legends of vampires have existed for millennia cultures such as the Hebrews, Ancient Greeks, and Romans had tales of demonic creatures and blood-drinking spirits which are considered modern vampires. Vampires are creatures with incredible power, speed, and intellect also with extended life they are basically immortal but folklore one can kill a vampire either with a wooden stake, sunlight.

Witches are often thought of as old women wearing a long dark robe or a witch flying on a broomstick however the origins of witches dates back to the Ancient Romans, Greeks and Egyptians they are believed to practice witchcraft which varies from Foresight or visions, shape shifting or brewing powerful and deadly potions but witches mainly use spells by casting them or using rituals runes or puppetry. however many society’s mainly from the 1600-1800’s saw witches as satanic creatures and killed them in many ways such as publicly burning the victim or hanging them.



Lycanthrope Origin

I have conducted my research on Werewolves, also known as Lycanthropes, are legendary shape shifting humans. the shape these creatures take on is that of a wolf which not only increases their power and brute strength they gain incredible speed. The history of the werewolf dates back to ancient Greece and has sprung up independently or spread to virtually every area of the Earth. It is also one of the oldest legends of human monsters in recorded history along with vampires and witches which is also part of my research and each one of them has different assets that make them unique so I will study them carefully to help with my concept art and 3D models.

Links to all pages I visited :

The History of the Werewolf Legend

Werewolf Legends from Around the World

Group Crit

During today’s lesson I have been discussing my final major project ideas with my peers however they gave me some good advice as for my project I am working in a team with Christian Rae, He will be developing the lore for our project however I have been advised to thoroughly read through his story and lore and make sure it fits with my concept art and 3D assets.

I will make sure to split the work evenly to prevent and delay of our work and it isn’t too stressful for me or Christian.