Unit 6-7 Evaluation

In this evaluation I will be talking about our project during unit 6-7 our project was using Pokemon’s characters and changing them from a RPG genre into a Fighter.

For my unit 6-7 project I was working as a team with Marmadou Thiam and Brodie Dasent. Our group project was turning Pokemon into an arcade fighter, for example we took eighteen characters from the Pokemon franchise and brought them into a  Mortal Kombat styled game, where the Pokemon would fight against each other like in the Mortal Kombat series which would include blood and gore during the start of our project we set our expectations a little too high as we thought we could actually get some animation and fight scenes in our project however that wasn’t the case we ended up with only the 3D models imported into Unreal.

When we all split off to develop our individual work I had a clear idea of what I wanted to make for the project I started with the Pokemon Arena which wasn’t too difficult but consumed a lot of my time as some parts of the 3D model was tricky to make however I managed to complete it. After I decided to make a Master Ball and one of the characters (Blastoise) from the Pokemon franchise making all the three, 3D assets was by far the most time consuming for example when I started making the Pokemon I was using some modifiers that I hadn’t used before so getting the main body for him was proving difficult the main techniques I used to make these assets were Extrude, Bevel, Bridge, Symmetry I would have to say the technique that helped the most would be symmetry because I only had to work on one side of the character and made it a lot easier and convenient.

The main problem I had with the project was I didn’t have enough time to create and complete my assets such as I only managed to texture one asset which was the Master Ball which did end up looking good but I wish I could of textured the character instead. However i’m really proud of my 3D character because it was very time consuming to make and I was using some some modifiers I wasn’t familiar with.

In the end I did complete all the assets I wanted but I didn’t reach the standard I set for myself at the start of the project which I am a little disappointing with but I think my work can if I lowered the expectations from the start or just focused a little more I would’ve got all my work finished.

After evaluating my work I have concluded that it does fit the brief as I needed to re-target the audience and I believe I have for example the Pokemon franchise is mainly seen as a young adults to children game however I have changed the visual style by making 3D Pokemon and making the visual style into a side scroller  and the interactions of the game to resemble a Mortal Kombat game, Pokemon is a 3+ rating game however by adding blood and gore and certain elements of fighting such as applying a x-ray vision attack which allows you to see bones breaking a cracking while fighting in the game. I have changed the game into a 18 rating game.

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