2D Platformer

Today I have been noting down ideas on a spider diagram on creating a 2D platform game, my initial ideas are mainly a medieval styled game using swords and spears as your weapons to get from the starting point to the finish.

I then created a mood board with lots of images of games that inspired me to make this game mainly Dynasty Warriors, Warhammer 40k and others. To create a start to finish game defeating enemy’s along the way to get to the end, However I decide to change my initial from a platform style game into a tower defence because I’ve always enjoyed playing tower defence games and always wanted to make one and I have always like the different designs on tower defence games. So I made my towers look like the Space Marines off Warhammer and I had some help from my partner and his feed back on my work was that he liked how the creeps have a long way to travel before reaching the end and he liked my design on the health bar that breaks down as you lose lives.

In the sketch book I have drawn some idea’s for what the towers could look like and what weapons they have and the initial design for the map going in a spiral lane towards the centre.

TD Ideas

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