Swot Analysis

Here is my Swot analysis giving a brief summary on my strengths, weaknesses, opportunity’s and threats.

Strengths : Team Work, Communication, Pixel Art

Weaknesses : 3D modelling, Photoshop, Drawing, Easily distracted, Self assessments

Opportunity’s :Tutorials, Work experience, Peer Support, Reviews and Video’s

Threats : Punctuality, Time management,  Deadlines

Alternative City Representation

Today I collected many images for my representation of my city I ended up with a picture of a castle on a river bank  then I took a picture of a road on a desert and used Photoshop to blend the two images together using many different tools such as the magic wand  and the magnetic lasso to clean up the rough edges and make it look more realistic.

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In the slideshow above I have organised it from the original Photoshop design into the other four images which are made in 3D Max and taken at four different angles showing  the final product. The tools I used to make this were simply using the shapes provided and using inset, extrude, scale, paint deformation and soft selection, to add all the detail onto my castle and the rocky areas in front. The windows and doors were made by first insetting then extruding to make it look layered and more realistic.

Tower Info

During this project I sketched the towers I will be using in my notebook and added a description on the tower e.g. what weapon it use’s the damage it deals, if it has any affects or not and the base cost for the towers, in total I have 10 towers that players can use in the game to aid their defense.

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2D Platformer

Today I have been noting down ideas on a spider diagram on creating a 2D platform game, my initial ideas are mainly a medieval styled game using swords and spears as your weapons to get from the starting point to the finish.

I then created a mood board with lots of images of games that inspired me to make this game mainly Dynasty Warriors, Warhammer 40k and others. To create a start to finish game defeating enemy’s along the way to get to the end, However I decide to change my initial from a platform style game into a tower defence because I’ve always enjoyed playing tower defence games and always wanted to make one and I have always like the different designs on tower defence games. So I made my towers look like the Space Marines off Warhammer and I had some help from my partner and his feed back on my work was that he liked how the creeps have a long way to travel before reaching the end and he liked my design on the health bar that breaks down as you lose lives.

In the sketch book I have drawn some idea’s for what the towers could look like and what weapons they have and the initial design for the map going in a spiral lane towards the centre.

TD Ideas